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Hintco releases new draft hydrogen sales agreement and starts market sounding on future tenders’ sales auctions

Hintco has published a new draft hydrogen sales agreement (HSA). It will serve as the contractual basis for the anticipated H2Global Pilot Auction sales auctions and is accessible for review here.

Hintco is also launching an online survey to gather valuable feedback from the private sector, specifically potential offtakers. This survey offers industry stakeholders a critical opportunity to help shape the design of upcoming H2Global sales auctions and ensure alignment with market needs.

The survey focuses on two key objectives:

  • Gathering feedback on the new draft hydrogen sales agreement (HSA).
  • Collecting insights into participants’ perspectives on the design of future offtake-side auctions for hydrogen and its derivatives, as part of Hintco’s forthcoming tenders.

The survey (excl. the review of the HSA) is estimated to take approx. 10–15 minutes to complete and represents a vital step in shaping the future of clean hydrogen markets.

Hintco invites interested offtakers of clean hydrogen and derivatives to help shape future clean hydrogen auctions by sharing their views via the link below.

Draft hydrogen sales agreementOnline survey